Explore the Heart of BrightlyThrive™ – An Inside Look At What’s Happening!

Monthly themes created to support actionable steps towards your autoimmune healing.

Creating Safety Within: From Chronic Stress to Powerful Creator with Erin Wildheart 

Feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Join us for an illuminating Fireside Chat to explore the connection between the limbic brain, nervous system and chronic stress along with powerful tools to help unlock your body’s natural healing ability.

Quarterly Challenge: The 5 Senses of Pleasure Challenge

Pleasure can be experienced in so many ways! Our latest challenge encourages us to tap into the simple well of joy, fun, and sensuality through our 5 senses. Let’s rekindle our passion and joy in just 5 days. Who’s ready??

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Exercises for Supporting Your Vagus Nerve

Do you struggle with anxiely or stresse In this video, you will learn how your vagus nerve…

The Power of 5-Minute Habits

Learn about the power of small habits and how to create little moments of joy, health and progress throughout your day!

Getting Rid of Sugar Cravings

Dive deeper into the emotional component of sugar cravings and learn how to identify what our cravings are telling us….

Confident Doesn’t Mean

Confidence is not just a feeling. it’s a mindset that can nelp you achieve your career goals…

Questions to ask before working with a practitioner

If you have thought of hiring a practitioner whether it be chiro, acupuncture, nutritionist….

Subconscious beliefs keeping you sick and stuck

Do you struggle with perfectionism, anxiety, or following through on making…

Join Our Next Community Circle Hosted by HJ!

DATE:  Thursday, August 8th, 2024


Join our upcoming Community Circle for a discussion about chronic stress. Let’s understand the connection to chronic stress, nervous system dysregulation, and many common cognitive, emotional, and physical issues. Let’s bring these topics to the light and find support and encouragement with other autoimmune thrivers. Our Community Circle is a gathering where you’ll receive guidance, support, and encouragement along your autoimmune journey. This is a space to share stories, exchange experiences, and find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Enjoy low pressure activities such as “camera on/off”, a game of yes/no, this/that questions to get to know each other better!

Join Our Next Community Circle

DATE: April 16th, 2024

Join our next Community Circle with host HJ! In our monthly Community Circle you will get the opportunity to meet up with other members, share stories, swap tips, and build meaningful connections in a safe and supportive space. Expect interactive activities, community connections, and Q&A sessions!

Dont Miss This!

Erin Wildheart is a Holistic Wellness and Embodiment coach dedicated to helping women achieve greatness in their lives, through harnessing the power of their voice, self-expression and reconnecting to their bodies following trauma and abuse. 

After 15+ years of living with chronic health conditions, multiple diagnoses and repressed emotions, Erin came to understand the connection between the brain, nervous system and living disconnected from our bodies. Erin’s own journey of healing from childhood abuse is what led her down the path of embodiment work, sacred sexuality and cultivating a sense of home, self-trust and safety within. 

Today she loves empowering women to RISE, through reconnecting to themselves, their truth and their connection to the divine. She is the host of the Rising Woman Podcast and shares about her journey on her Instagram page over @erinwildheart. 

Creating Safety Within: From Chronic Stress to Powerful Creator with Erin Wildheart

Chronic stress and living in “survival” mode are all too common for many of us, and often a precursor to autoimmune diagnoses and dis-ease.

In this illuminating Fireside Chat, Holistic Wellness and Embodiment Coach Erin Wildheart will guide you through an understanding of the limbic brain, and its role in protecting and keeping you safe. We’ll touch on why the brain creates a chronic stress response, and how prolonged activation can lead to a plethora of symptoms that won’t seem to resolve despite doing all the “right” things. 

We’ll be diving deep to understand how to leverage the power of your mind and nervous system to rewire your sense of innate safety, so you can go from surviving to a powerful creator of your own life. This is for you if you’ve been experiencing high levels of stress, feel like you cannot turn “off” no matter what you do, and find yourself stuck in survival mode instead of living the life you truly desire. We’ll blend a combination of brain retraining, meditation, and nervous system support so you can find that sense of innate safety and unlock your body’s natural healing abilities! 

What to Expect:

DATE: Thursday August 22, 2024
WHERE: Inside the BrightlyThrive Community
COST: Free for Members!

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Not a member yet? Apply here!