Welcome to

A community-based app that provides an inclusive and fun space to connect, learn, and brightly thrive with others facing autoimmune challenges.

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Join a supportive community
of autoimmune thrivers, just like you!

Connect with others facing autoimmune challenges in our community. Moderated by our hosts, members can chat, ask questions, recieve support and guidance, and encourage eachother.

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Connect with experts
through daily live coaching sessions with our health and wellness coaches and practitioners.

Participate in daily courses from our ThriveGuides, known as Thrive Lives™, covering various topics related to autoimmune health and wellness.

Empower yourself
as you participate in our community, learn from our wellness experts, and take daily actionable steps.

Participate in our monthly themes and
challenges, engage with our monthly Guest
, and access additional resources from our Wellness Guides Knowledge Bank.

A fun poll in the background with an image of a woman happily using the app
Weigh in and share your voice
on what matters in our community through questions and polls!

You have the opportunity to help decide what you'd like to learn more about! Vote and share your thoughts on what upcoming topics you’d like to focus on.

Screengrabs of actual comments of support and encouragement within the community
Celebrate your accomplishments
and biggest health victories!

As you make healing strides, share with our community so we can celebrate with you! Receive community badges for important milestones in your autoimmune journey.

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Why BrightlyThrive™ ?

Connect to a supportive community

Join us and gain access to a supportive community of understanding peers, dedicated hosts, and ThriveGuides™. Together we thrive, creating positive, life-changing connections.

Discover supportive strategies from experts

Learn from the ThriveGuides™, our health and wellness experts, who have amassed extensive knowledge from education and their own personal autoimmune journeys.

Grow your connection to yourself and your body

Our members report greater awareness of sensations, root causes, connections to specific triggers, and greater hope when participating within the community.


Community Voices

Experience a Thrive Live Session

Access new Thrive Lives each day and unlock hundreds of on-demand replays as part of your membership benefits.

Learn about our


As a member of BrightlyThrive™, you gain access to an exclusive team of empathetic coaches and health and wellness practitioners, known as ThriveGuides™. Our ThriveGuides™ lead 30-minute daily ThriveLives covering various topics related to autoimmune wellness and chat with community members to offer guidance and support.

We care about culture

Meet our Community Host

We are passionate about creating a supportive, kind, and helpful online community. The culture we build is important. Our community host, Hanna Jade (HJ), ensures all discussions, chats, and community events follow our guiding principles.

Brightly Blog

Featured Articles

Tune-in with us!

Music has the power to heal, inspire, and connect us. Listen to the BrightlyThrive Spotify playlist curated by our community!

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