Brain Fog purple

Beyond the Haze: Conquering Brain Fog in Autoimmune Life

Living with an autoimmune condition often feels like navigating through an invisible storm—one that others can’t see but you can’t escape. Among the most frustrating and persistent symptoms is brain fog, a condition that wraps your mind in a thick haze, making it difficult to think, focus, or remember even the simplest things. 

This blog explores the complexities of brain fog within autoimmune life, offering insights into its causes, the daily struggles it creates, and practical strategies to help clear the mental mist. So, stay with us for a bit and know that you’re not alone on this journey; together, we can find ways to break through the haze. Let’s get it on!

The Prevalence of Brain Fog

Brain fog isn’t just some passing phase or minor inconvenience. It’s a genuine challenge that affects millions of people, particularly those living with autoimmune conditions. 

According to recent studies, up to 40% of individuals with autoimmune diseases report experiencing brain fog as a significant symptom. 

cat fuzzy

Pretty sure you’re not the only one, Mr. Cat~

That’s millions of people struggling daily to think clearly, focus, and remember simple tasks. Yet, because it’s invisible, it’s often misunderstood, dismissed, or ignored.

Causes of Brain Fog

Brain fog can have a variety of causes, many of which are directly connected to autoimmune conditions.

  1. Lack of Sleep: Autoimmune conditions often disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insufficient rest and contributing to brain fog.
  2. Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiencies in vitamins like B12 and D, as well as essential fatty acids, can impair brain function and contribute to brain fog.
  3. Excessive Inflammation: A hallmark of autoimmune diseases, inflammation can cause cognitive difficulties and exacerbate brain fog.
  4. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal fluctuations associated with autoimmune conditions can impact cognitive clarity and contribute to brain fog.
  5. Overconsumption of Refined Carbohydrates: Eating too many refined carbohydrates can lead to blood sugar spikes and crashes, which can worsen brain fog.

For someone living with an autoimmune condition, these causes often overlap and intertwine, creating a complex web of triggers that can make brain fog feel inescapable.

As we always say, our experiences with autoimmunity may be unique, but the struggles we face, like brain fog, are shared by many—reminding us that we’re never truly alone in this journey.

  • “Am I depressed, or just foggy and burned out? The world may never know…”
  • “Living with brain fog is incredibly challenging. When it hits, I lose the ability to think or remember, even with tasks that are usually a breeze.”
  • “My mind gets foggy sometimes, and each time it feels harder to find my way out. I worry that one day, the fog will consume me, trapping me in a cold mist of forgotten memories.”
  • “Sometimes, I feel bad for asking so many questions during movies (at home, of course). Brain fog makes me forget details or struggle to analyze things on the spot, especially during long films.”
  • “The brain fog is so intense these days that I sometimes forget my own name. I’ve even struggled with the most basic skills, and there are moments when I can’t properly do my job.”

The reality of dealing with brain fog is that it can make everyday life feel like a series of uphill battles, where even the simplest tasks become daunting. 

These shared experiences, from forgetting details during a movie to losing track of our own thoughts, remind us that brain fog is more than just a fleeting inconvenience—it’s a profound challenge that deeply impacts our lives. 

But despite the isolation it can bring, knowing that others understand and live through the same struggles helps us find strength in our shared journey.

Battling Brain Fog

While brain fog can be overwhelming, there are ways to manage and even overcome it. Here are three strategies to help clear the mental mist:

1. Physical Activity

Engaging in regular physical activity, like walking or swimming, can help improve brain function. These activities increase glucose and oxygen flow to the brain, stimulating brain cell formation and reducing inflammation.

2. Mental Exercises

Keeping your brain active with mental exercises, such as learning a new language or solving puzzles, can enhance cognitive functions. Activities like these challenge your brain, helping to sharpen your memory and problem-solving skills.

Did you know that brain training exercises can significantly improve cognitive functions like attention, memory, and processing speed? All of these have a direct impact on your IQ! 

Research shows that regular mental workouts lead to lasting benefits, particularly for those experiencing cognitive challenges, such as brain fog from autoimmune conditions. 

Just like physical exercise, these activities help maintain and boost cognitive sharpness, making them a valuable tool for managing the mental effects of autoimmune diseases.

One practical activity we advocate a lot is harnessing creativity in daily life. Not only does it stimulate the brain, but it also offers stress relief and a fulfilling outlet for self-expression. Whether it’s painting, journaling, cooking, or photography, just 15 minutes of creative activity each day can clear brain fog and boost cognitive function.

3. Mindfulness and Relaxation

Pairing creativity with mindfulness can clear brain fog and boost mental clarity. 

Here’s how you can do this:

The Power of Community

Managing brain fog, especially in the context of an autoimmune condition, is much easier when you’re part of a supportive community. 

Connecting with others who understand what you’re going through can provide not only practical tips and advice but also the emotional support that’s so crucial to navigating the challenges of brain fog.

That’s why we encourage you to join us at BrightlyThrive, The Autoimmunity Community™, a community dedicated to supporting those living with brain fog and other invisible symptoms of autoimmune conditions.

Join BrightlyThrive

Here’s how some of our members deal with it: 

  • For me, I’ve found that setting my phone aside, being present, and getting outside really helps. I also try to focus on just one thing at a time—keeps my mind clearer! – Jessica
  • Jim Kwik, a brain coach I follow, talks about ‘neurobics,’ which are fun brain exercises like brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or rearranging a room. I’ve been trying these little techniques to boost my brain power. Plus, I’m a big fan of to-do lists and keeping my space tidy—it really makes a difference! – Noelle
  • Just like Jessica mentioned, I’ve also noticed that staying in the present moment, stepping outside, and reducing screen time works wonders! And don’t forget hydration—staying hydrated really helps me feel more focused. – HJ
  • I was reminded of those brain training games I used to play on my Nintendo DS—they definitely felt like they were helping! 😄💜
  • I’ve noticed that the healthier my habits, the less brain fog I experience. The basics like good nutrition, mindfulness, exercise, and especially sleep, seem to make a big difference. I’ve also started taking Magnesium Threonate before bed, and it’s really helped me. Here’s a study I found on it if you’re curious! – Dez

Together, we can share our experiences, offer encouragement, and work towards a clearer, healthier mind.

Final Thoughts

Living with brain fog because of autoimmune conditions can be isolating and overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. While the fog can feel all-consuming, there are strategies and a supportive community out there to help you navigate through it. With the right tools and support, you can learn to manage brain fog and reclaim your mental clarity, one step at a time.


Understanding the Link Between Brain Fog and Autoimmune Disease: Family Acupuncture and Wellness: Acupuncturists. (n.d.).


Kverno, K. (2021). Brain Fog: A Bit of Clarity Regarding Etiology, Prognosis, and Treatment. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 59(11), 9–13.


Mayo Clinic: How Exercise Reduces Brain Fog. (n.d.). Thorne.


Clinic, C. (2024, July 22). Strategies for Busting Up Brain Fog. Cleveland Clinic.


How to Think Clearly Again: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Brain Fog. (n.d.).


Pedersen, T. (2023, November 27). 9 Brain Exercises to Sharpen Your Memory and Focus. Psych Central.